How We Help

Maximizing Social Security

Social Security has been a revenue source for people since the 1930s, but the program has changed significantly since it began. Between the expansions and the economic shifts, most people disregard it as any kind of a sound retirement plan. A good financial advisor would never encourage you to rely solely on this safety net, but they will tell you not to discount this resource either. It’s an important part of any secure monthly income. With their help, you can maximize your monthly statements.

How to Maximize Social Security in Caldwell, Idaho

The first step to maximizing Social Security is understanding how the program works. What you receive every month is based on your work history and your work history alone. So, even if you have a friend or relative that receives very little every month, you can’t assume that their experience will be anything like yours. The average monthly check for Social Security is around $2,500, but the range of values that determine this average might be more dramatic than you realize.

If you want to build your monthly income during your retirement, much in the same way you built monthly income while you were still employed, Elison Financial Group has everything you need. As a boutique retirement firm, the staff is here to get to know you, so they can help you plan for the future. Plus, the financial advisors at Elison Financial Group know the ins and outs of the program. You’ve likely spent several decades of your life paying into the system, and now it’s your turn to get a little help back.

It’s important to file information for this program correctly the first time, otherwise you risk having a backandforth with the federal government that seemingly never ends. It’s possible to fix any mistakes you make (and get back pay accordingly), but the hassles that come with this can be frustrating to deal with. Letting a qualified professional take the reins can net your portfolio more than you might think.

Assets Under Management

Assets are more than just your car, house, savings account, and stocks. From your retirement funds to your art collection, there’s a lot more to your portfolio than meets the eye. If your assets are starting to become difficult to keep track of, to the point where you don’t even know the value of some of them, it might be time to talk to a financial advisor. Not only will they tell you more about the rise and fall of their worth, but they can help you make smarter decisions about how to manage them.

What Are Assets Under Management Services?

This financial principle brings all of your assets under a single umbrella, so your financial advisor can get a better understanding of what’s working and what’s not. If one of your holdings starts to tumble in value, they can alert you of the changes. From there, you can work with them to decide if you want to take the gamble and stick with it or dump the asset before it loses even more money.

As you amass more and more assets, it’s common to stop paying attention to them. A financial advisor takes the time to read the statements and then assess their meaning against the relative strength of the broader economy. If you can’t even list your assets in full, let alone name their values, it’s time to see what assets under management strategies can mean for you.

The Elison’s are there to help clients get a handle on everything they own. They can leverage those assets to start building toward the retirement years. Whatever you choose to use your wealth for, whether that’s traveling in style or paying for your descendants education, your financial advisor will take their cues from you. Because assets are not static property, it’s important to have someone who can monitor them on a regular basis. If you don’t have the time or wherewithal to do it, Elison Financial Group can help.

Retirement Income Planning

How much do I need to retire? If you’re wondering this for yourself, it might be a tough question to ask. If you’ve heard standard responses, like having at least $1 million saved before you finish your last day on the job, you might even avoid the answer altogether.

The nature of your retirement does, to a certain extent, depend on what you’re looking for. A person who pictures themselves in “first class” will have different needs than someone who catches their dinner for themselves every night. However, there may be more similarities that connect both types of people than first meet the eye. If you find the right financial advisor, they can tell you more about how secure retirement income planning can be the key to achieving everything you want (and more).

What Is Retirement Income in Treasure Valley, Idaho?

Retirement income may sound like a largely meaningless word to some people. By definition, retirement takes you out of the job market and, presumably, away from your income. Yet there are ways to generate revenue at any age — without having to work a 9 to 5. A financial advisor can help you build it all from scratch, starting with common sources of revenue, like Social Security and pension withdrawals, before folding in additional income streams.

How to plan your retirement income starts with understanding what your interests are. At Elison Financial Group, they can tell you that investing in real estate can be an excellent way to generate revenue. They also understand that not everyone will want the responsibilities that come with being a landlord.

The goal of the financial advisor is to give you as much of a cushion as possible, so you can either save or take care of other expenses that arise. For instance, maybe you decide down the line that you want to cover a grandchild’s graduate school education. Whatever it is you’re looking for by the time you hit retirement age, income planning can help you get there.

Tax-Free Retirement

Taxes are everywhere in America, whether they’re charged at the cash register or applied to your paycheck. The lure of a taxfree retirement might seem great in theory, but unrealistic in practice. This is a common assumption, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. A financial advisor can show you what can be done to reduce or even remove the need to pay taxes in your golden years.

There’s no sugarcoating the federal, state, and local tax laws, but there are options that can help you either keep more of your money or give it to the causes that you care about. A financial advisor, one who’s had time to work out the legalese in the fine print of these codes, is there to explain how certain regulations can actually work to your advantage.

How to Have a Tax-Free Retirement

This financial tactic is tied to the details of our tax laws. Trusts, official exchanges, charitable donations, and deferments can all be used to restructure your accounts, so you’re not giving the government any more than you have to. The right advisor will tell you what you can do, list the pros and cons of each decision, and then let you make the final call.

What’s more, a financial advisor will be able to see the situation from a broader perspective. The Elison’s take the time to get to know their clients. Unlike an accountant, who will largely work with your finances once a year, these advisors understand the bigger picture. From your preferred investment strategies to your retirement goals, they’re thinking three steps ahead at every stage of the way.

A tax-free retirement can be the key to some of your more far-flung dreams. So, if you wanted to pave the way for your grandchildren’s futures by financing their educations, you can talk to a financial advisor about how to make this dream a reality. Whatever it is you want, a smarter strategy can help you get there.

Wealth Management

Wealth management is a term that’s reserved for people with a considerable number of assets, though the actual tactics of wealth management will differ from client to client. If you’re thinking about talking to a financial advisor to help you keep track of your accounts and holdings, they can tell you more about what strategies will pair best with your investment style.

The Basics of Wealth Management

The underlying foundation of wealth management is tied to one of the most limiting resources that all of us share. It takes a lot of time to review all of your assets and assess their worth. If you want to avoid losing money, this task needs to be done regularly not just once a year. Whether your money is tied up in stocks or your art collection, things can change in a heartbeat. By seeking the help of a financial advisor, you’re handing off the burden of having to do it all on your own.

A financial advisor can also give you more context surrounding your wealth, so you have a 
better idea of what’s coming down the line. For instance, if one of your assets is ballooning in value while another is quickly dropping, they can give you an idea of how capital gains and capital losses will affect the bottom line of your taxes. Once you know the score, an advisor may be able to help you either defer taxes or eliminate them altogether.

If you live in Caldwell, Idaho, Elison Financial Group can help you rework your accounts as needed. If you have questions or concerns about certain investments, they can tell you more about your odds of success with any given asset. They’re not here to push you in one direction or another. The staff at this boutique retirement firm first takes the time to understand your retirement goals and relationship with risk before presenting you with the facts. For anyone who’s tired of having to work through multiple statements every month, wealth management can be a game-changer.

Efficient Tax Planning

Whether you hire an accountant or do it on your own, filing taxes can start to feel more like vacuuming than a series of financial decisions. This complacency, while common, can end up losing you thousands of dollars dollars that could be funneled into more lucrative investments.

If you want to learn more about how efficient tax planning can help your portfolio, the right financial advisor can give you the advice and the information you need to make smarter longterm decisions. The Elison’s can open doors for you that you might not have even realized were available.

What Is Efficient Tax Planning?

This financial concept is largely about learning what your options are. Too many people assume 
that they need to pay certain fees, failing to realize that there are workarounds that would allow them to either defer taxes or eliminate them entirely. For instance, if you sold a second home for a massive profit, you could file a 1031 exchange if you were planning to buy another property for equivalent value. Or you might choose to put your money in a trust to support the causes that you care about.

Because things can change from year to year (or even quarter to quarter), your filing strategy needs to account for those changes. Federal tax codes might remain largely the same, but the state and local tax codes in Treasure Valley, Idaho, are more flexible. With the right advisor, you can go over the numbers one by one. Far from overwhelming you with jargon and legalese, your advisor will explain it all in everyday language, make their recommendations, and then let you make the final decision.

When you work with a boutique retirement firm, you’re working with someone who knows your retirement goals. Even the best accountant will only be able to account for a few facets of your finances. The right advisor understands the big picture and can help you get to where you want to be.

Whether you hire an accountant or do it on your own, filing taxes can start to feel more like vacuuming than a series of financial decisions. This complacency, while common, can end up losing you thousands of dollars dollars that could be funneled into more lucrative investments.

If you want to learn more about how efficient tax planning can help your portfolio, the right financial advisor can give you the advice and the information you need to make smarter longterm decisions. The Elison’s can open doors for you that you might not have even realized were available.

What Is Efficient Tax Planning?

This financial concept is largely about learning what your options are. Too many people assume 
that they need to pay certain fees, failing to realize that there are workarounds that would allow them to either defer taxes or eliminate them entirely. For instance, if you sold a second home for a massive profit, you could file a 1031 exchange if you were planning to buy another property for equivalent value. Or you might choose to put your money in a trust to support the causes that you care about.

Because things can change from year to year (or even quarter to quarter), your filing strategy needs to account for those changes. Federal tax codes might remain largely the same, but the state and local tax codes in Treasure Valley, Idaho, are more flexible. With the right advisor, you can go over the numbers one by one. Far from overwhelming you with jargon and legalese, your advisor will explain it all in everyday language, make their recommendations, and then let you make the final decision.

When you work with a boutique retirement firm, you’re working with someone who knows your retirement goals. Even the best accountant will only be able to account for a few facets of your finances. The right advisor understands the big picture and can help you get to where you want to be.